Category: Asset Management

Asset Management \ Compliance
The Key Stages of Asset Life Cycle Management
9 May 2022

Managing and understanding the key stages of asset life cycle management is important to get the most efficient use out of them and to best benefit your business. Regardless of the size of your business, all businesses rely on their assets. With this in mind, it’s important to be aware of asset life cycle management. What is an Asset?  An asset is any resource that is used to generate cash flow, reduce expenses or provide economic...

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Asset Management \ Compliance
Covering Your Assets
6 May 2022

People are undoubtedly any given organisation’s greatest resource. Fulfilling their respective responsibilities, however, invariably requires the provision of equipment. Keeping track of people, their tasks and workload presents its own unique set of challenges – but how do you keep track of your stuff? Intelligent Asset Inventories Asset inventories have been commonplace for years – the only real change to the practice is how...

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Asset Management \ Compliance
What is Asset Management? An Overview of Asset Management
3 February 2022

Asset management is key in helping organisations or individuals monitor and manage their assets. Having a dedicated system or having a dedicated asset manager monitoring these assets improves productivity and efficiency whilst focusing on future return on investment. What is Asset Management? Asset management is the practice of acquiring, maintaining, trading and monitoring assets and investments that have the potential to grow in...

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